Car . Sales worldwide in 2014 and 2015

 Fiat Cars, Honda cars, toyota motor | vehicle, Volkswagen Group | Automotive, General Motors | Automotive and others across two years



This chart displays a projection on the Sales Amount of Fiat Cars, Honda cars, toyota motor | vehicle and other Car products worldwide comparing two years 2014 and 2015. In the last period, 2015, the largest presented item is Volkswagen Group | Automotive with Sales Amount of 9.93M. The fastest growing participant in our report is Ford Motor | Automotive with 4.93% growth in Sales Amount over 2 years between 2014 to 2015. The topic that suffers from the biggest downturn is General Motors | Automotive with 19.14% decline over the same period. This report represents data points consolidated from 3 sources: Ford, PwC and F2M

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