. Sales in France between 2011 Q3 and 2014 Q2
Diapers, Pampers Diaper, Chicco Diaper, Huggies Diaper, Nature Babycare Diaper and others across twelve quarters
This research overviews a projection about the Sales Amount of Pampers Diaper, Chicco Diaper, Huggies Diaper and other Diapers products in France between the quarters 2011 Q3 to 2014 Q2. In the last period, 2014 Q2, the largest presented item is Retailer Companies Diaper with Sales Amount of 2.13M. The fastest growing participant in our report is Retailer Companies Diaper with 10.86% growth in Sales Amount over 12 quarters between 2011 Q3 to 2014 Q2. The topic that suffers from the biggest downturn is Huggies Diaper with 85.83% decline over the same period. This report represents data points consolidated from 2 sources: nielsen RMS and INSEE