Huggies Diaper Taped
. Sales in United States between 2012 Q2 and 2014 Q2
Huggies Diaper | Non Taped | Little Swimmers, Huggies Diaper | Non Taped | Pull Ups, Huggies Diaper | Taped | Nature&Natural Fit, Huggies Diaper | Taped | New Born, Huggies Diaper | Taped | Super Dry and others across nine quarters
This report provides information about the Sales Amount breakdown of Huggies Diaper | Taped products, comparing Huggies Diaper | Non Taped | Little Swimmers, Huggies Diaper | Non Taped | Pull Ups and other of the company's items in United States between the quarters 2012 Q2 to 2014 Q2. In the last period, 2014 Q2, the largest presented item is Huggies Diaper | Taped | Super Dry with Sales Amount of 3.1M. The fastest growing participant in our report is Huggies Diaper | Taped | Drynites with 5.89% growth in Sales Amount over 9 quarters between 2012 Q2 to 2014 Q2. The topic that suffers from the biggest downturn is Huggies Diaper | Non Taped | Little Swimmers with 22.39% decline over the same period. This report is based on data published by Nielsen SSF