Top broadband operators in Mexico

 Telnor | Broadband, Megacable | Broadband, Telmex | Broadband, Cablemas | Broadband, Axtel | Broadband and others across seven quarters



This chart displays the Total Subscribers of Telnor | Broadband, Megacable | Broadband, Telmex | Broadband and other Broadband operators products in Mexico between the quarters 2014 Q1 to 2015 Q3. In the last period, 2015 Q3, the largest presented item is Telmex | Broadband with Total Subscribers of 8.37M. The fastest growing participant in our report is Megacable | Broadband with 82.48% growth in Total Subscribers over 7 quarters between 2014 Q1 to 2015 Q3. The topic that suffers from the biggest downturn is Axtel | Broadband with 11.31% decline over the same period. This report is based on data published by IFT

Sources IFT IFT

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