TOYOTA COROLLA . Sales in Venezuela and other markets in 2014




This is a breakdown of TOYOTA COROLLA Sales Amount by different countries. In 2014, United States and China posses 61.36% of all TOYOTA COROLLA presented markets. The market with the highest Sales Amount in 2014 is United States with 339K. This report represents data points consolidated from 21 sources: Focus2Move, Ukravtoprom, Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA), MIA, SDA, cavenez, Sekcija za osebna motorna, Association of European Businesses, O.D.D, F2M, AVID, GoodCarBadCar, A.I.A, SEAA, E.R.A, Anfavea, S.I.M.I, AMIC, Israeli Department of Transportation System, Autotuojat and JADA

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