This is a breakdown of Volkswagen Golf Sales Amount by different countries. In 2014, Germany and China posses 50.12% of all Volkswagen Golf presented markets. In 2014, the market with the highest Sales Amount is Germany with 255K. This report represents data points consolidated from 27 sources: MIA, S.D.A, AVID,, GoodCarBadCar, PZPM, zap sr, A.C.A.P, F2M, Norwegian Road Federation, FEBIAC, O.D.D, Auto Suisse, S.I.M.I, DBI, BIL Sweden, ANIACAM, SEAA, CCFA, SMMT, E.R.A, Autotuojat, Dutch Association of Car Manufacturers, UNRAE, MGSZ, V.D.A and JADA