Wearable device . Sales worldwide between 2015 and 2017

 Smartwatch, Chest fitness Strap, Smart garment, Head mounted display, Bluetooth headset and others across three years



This diagram shows a projection on the Sales Amount within the Smartwatch, Chest fitness Strap, Smart garment and other markets worldwide between the years 2015 to 2017. In the last period, 2017, the largest presented point is Bluetooth headset with Sales Amount of 139M. The fastest growing participant in our report is Smart garment with 8733.33% growth in Sales Amount over 3 years between 2015 to 2017. The topic that suffers from the biggest downturn is Chest fitness Strap with 37.97% decline over the same period. This report is based on data published by Gartner

Sources Gartner Gartner

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